
04/02/2012 - By Lee Arnold

After a long time away from blogging the models that I complete I feel that after I have updated my personal website I will continue building my models (from the 20 or so in the collection) and update this blog again. Watch this space!!

14/12/2011 - By Lee Arnold

All of the weblinks have been updated and are now not following GooglePics and are instead following DropBox links. These allow more flexability and the URLs won't keep changing which happens with Picasa.

I have checked what I can but any problems please use the contact form.

29/07/11 - By Lee Arnold

After looking at the blog and making sure everything was running smoothly I noticed that none of the images were loading properly. Updon inspection I noticed that the image URL had changed because of my recent join to Google+ where the picasa now includes a number instead of a username.

This change was a bold move by Google as many blogs have to change their URL linking but as this blog is still fairly small I was able to change all the image links so it is all in working order again.

If you do find an error somewhere please use the 'Feedback' link found on the blog and let me know as soon as possible!